Roy Transportation Benefit District
The Roy City Council created the Roy Transportation Benefit District (RTBD) on February 24, 2014, by Ordinance No. 907. RCW Chapter 36.73 provides for the establishment of Transportation Benefit Districts by cities to impose various taxes and fees to generate revenues to support transportation improvements consistent with local transportation plans. The City of Roy has limited funds to pay for a backlog of street maintenance and improvements, relying heavily on grants to accomplish improvements. Grants often require matching funds from the City. Establishing the RTBD allows a stream of revenue from $20 vehicle license fees to fund transportation projects for the City. The $20 vehicle license fees took effect January 1, 2015.
Effective July 15, 2015, the Legislature passed 2ESSB 5987 allowing a city to assume the rights, powers, functions and obligations of a transportation benefit district. The Roy City Council approved Ordinance No. 933 on December 14, 2015, assuming the RTBD and abolishing its governing board. That action results in saving significant administrative costs, allowing more license fee revenue to be used instead for transportation improvements.
Roy City Code 8-7-4 sets forth the allowed use of RTBD funds.
City Hall Hours:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu
City Clerk Office:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu
Court Office:
8:30am - 2pm, MTTF
(Closed Wednesdays)
City of Roy
216 McNaught Rd S
PO Box 700
Roy, WA 98580-0700