Comprehensive Plan
2024 Comprehensive Plan Update
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan sets the community’s vision, goals, and guiding policies for the next 20 years. It includes relevant goals and policies for Land Use, Housing, Transportation, Capital Facilities, Utilities, and Parks and Recreation.
For this periodic update, the Vision statement was rewritten and refined through a community survey that was circulated in 2023, the goals and policies of the plan were updated to reflect changes to state and regional planning requirements, and the plan was simplified overall to improve readability. Help review the Draft 2024 Comprehensive Plan. Do the goals and policies support the City’s vision? Is the plan clear, or are there places the writing could be simplified?
The Draft 2024 Comprehensive Plan is now available for public comment. Comments may be submitted via email to or by mail to City Hall, 216 McNaught St S, Roy WA, 98580. A public hearing regarding the City of Roy Comprehensive plan will be scheduled in the near future and announced accordingly once a date is set.

City Hall Hours:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu
City Clerk Office:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu
Court Office:
8:30am - 2pm, MTTF
(Closed Wednesdays)
City of Roy
216 McNaught Rd S
PO Box 700
Roy, WA 98580-0700