Police Department
The City of Roy Police Department enforces the laws of the State of Washington and Roy City Code (local ordinances). Our mission is to protect the life, health and property of the citizens of, and visitors to, the City of Roy, Washington. The City of Roy’s current budget accounts for a full-time chief and one full-time police officer.
Contacting the Roy Police Department:
(253) 843-2286 ***IF IT IS AN EMERGENCY, DIAL 911***
216 McNaught Rd S
PO Box 700
Roy, WA 98580
Pierce County Sheriff non-emergency dispatch (253) 287-4455
Chief of Police: P. Antista – chiefantista@cityofroywa.us
Officer: Drew Pearson – dpearson@cityofroywa.us
File a Police Report
File a Civilian Collision Report
Guide to Evacuation Levels and How to Plan Ahead (pdf)
Sex Offender Verification
Visit the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office Alerts website to use the offender search engine, register to receive email alerts, and find safety tips and more information. You may contact the Sheriff’s Office by phone at 253-798-7530.

City Hall Hours:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu
City Clerk Office:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu
Court Office:
8:30am - 2pm, MTTF
(Closed Wednesdays)
City of Roy
216 McNaught Rd S
PO Box 700
Roy, WA 98580-0700