Welcome to the City of Roy!

City News & Announcements


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Here is the agenda for the Planning Commission meeting for Tuesday, February 18, 2025. ... See MoreSee Less

Notice: Roy City Hall Closure

In observance of Presidents' Day, Roy City Hall will be closed on:

Monday, February 17, 2025

Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
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🎪 Join Us Under The Big Top! 🎪

📢 Community Resource Fair – Free Admission!

📅 April 1, 2025
⏰ 4 PM – 7 PM
📍 Roy Elementary School (340 Peterson St, Roy, WA 98580)

✨ Connect with resources for housing, food, medical coverage, mental health, education, veterans' services, job support, and more!

💉 FREE Vaccine Clinic provided by the Dept. of Health!
🎟️ Happening during Parent-Teacher Conference Week—pre-register as a vendor now!

🔗 Scan the QR code on the flyer or visit www.ontheroadwpc.org for more info.
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Here is the agenda for the City Council meeting on February 10, 2025 ... See MoreSee Less

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Upcoming Events

    • Council Meetings – Second Monday of the month at City Hall – All are welcome to attend in person or online. Study session at 6:30pm with regular meeting at 7:00pm
    • Planning Commission – Third Tuesday of the month at City Hall at 6:00pm.
    • Historical Commission – Third Thursday of the month at City Hall at 6:00pm
    • Roy Grange #702 Meetings are the 1st Tuesday of the month at the Grange Hall 102 Water St E at 6:30pm
    • Shred Event with Pierce County Public Works, June 21, 2025, 10am to 1 pm, City Hall parking lot. More info to come as we get closer.

City Updates

    • The City of Roy has recently posted their City Clerk/Treasurer Position for hire. Applications can be found on our website at https://cityofroywa.us/jobs-projects/
    • The City of Roy has recently posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) to find its next Contracted City Attorney. Applications can be found on our website at https://cityofroywa.us/jobs-projects/
    • Council members receive email through the City’s general address RoyCityHall@CityofRoyWA.us. Please indicate in the subject line the intended recipient(s).
    • Regular meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month starting at 6:30pm (a combined work/study session) and the Regular Council Meeting starting at 7pm.
    • Study Sessions: 6:30pm prior to Regular Meetings

An Open Letter from Mayor Kimber Ivy – City of Roy, WA.

Hello all,

I wanted to provide an update on what is happening at City Hall and release a few statements.

First, I must express my deep concern regarding the recent and past behavior exhibited by members of the council towards our community members and staff. It is imperative to foster an environment of respect, understanding, and collaboration. I want to make it clear that I do not support such conduct and will work diligently to ensure that all community members are treated with dignity and respect. The statements and behaviors exhibited towards individuals such as Edmund Dunn, Megan Dunn, Matt Ivy, Rachel Chavez, and both current and past staff members are unacceptable and deeply troubling. I want to make it unequivocally clear that I do not condone such behavior, and it does not reflect the values of our community or my administration. We must strive for fairness, transparency, and inclusivity in all our interactions.


Second, I would like to provide the most resent update on the projects we have been working on:

Library- We have had multiple meetings with Pierce County Library and have been provided with a flyer to help in the steps needed for a library. These Flyers are available at City or on our website. (Attached in Photo’s)

BNSF Property– They will be sending us the documents needed for Roy to negotiate a lease and parking agreement. They will also be providing a statement on their official standing for the property until those agreements are in place soon.

Parks– Be looking for the updates for the park to be installed soon. We have also received $10,000 from Pierce County to make more updates this year to our City Park.

Committees and Boards– Planning Commission has 2 open seats. We did have it filled but the Council voted 3:1 04/08/2024 to not confirm our only applicants.

CBDG Grant– Clarifying statement: Clarifying statement: A statement was made at the last Council meeting that alleged the Mayor and City Clerk Treasurer asserted we are not a low-income City, and that this assertion was false and disqualified us from receiving this grant. This is incorrect.

In reality, Pierce County Staff was in charge of determining whether our community met the income thresholds, and to do so they sent multiple mailings, conducted phone calls, and went door-to-door to conduct the surveys. Pierce County Staff confirmed the following: “128 families were interviewed out of approximately 277 families in the city. The 128 families interviewed were comprised of 363 persons. Of the 363 persons, 155 of those persons were low- to-moderate income, which means that 42% of the people surveyed are low- to-moderate income. Based on these responses, the service area is not eligible for funding as it doesn’t reach the minimum threshold of 51% low- to-moderate income that is required by HUD for eligibility. Similar results were found when we did the survey a few years ago, and HUD’s data shows a very similar percentage of low- to-moderate income. The city does have to meet the 51% threshold, or HUD would require Pierce County to repay the $500,000 of CDBG funds with non-federal funds.” – Heather Moss

It is unfortunate that we are not eligible for this grant funding, but we are committed to accessing other grants and other sources of revenue to ensure our City survives and thrives.


                Crosswalk– We received approval from Council (0408) to operate within the grant parameters in hopes to meet the grant expiration and requirements in a timely manner. We are in the planning phases with WSDOT, BNSF, and Roy’s Engineers Skillings.

                RCO- Community Outdoor Athletic Facility COAF- We are in the Pre-application phase.

                Security of State- We have applied and are waiting to hear outcome for phase 2. Organizing, Archiving and Record Retention.

                250k Department of Commerce– Water Reservoir- Approved to accept the grant by Council on 04082024.


Community Events- Roy Meet and Greet April 17th at 6pm-7:30pm -Roy Elementary Old Gym
Hometown Hero’s and Community Clean up. May 4th

555 ENGINEER BERGAIDE– Volunteering at the Hometown Hero’s Event.

Nisqually Tribe– Discussing what the Muck Creek cleanup project (Bethel School District) looks like and steps to move forward!

Water- We received, with the help of Rep. Andrew Barkus, 300K from our legislative ask of 1.5M for water infrastructure needs.
Council Approved moving forward with FCS Group on a Water Rate Study. 04082024 Meeting.

Lobbyist- Council denied hiring a Lobbyist for our city at this time. 04082024 Meeting.

Emergency Preparedness- We are in contact with Pierce County to get our policies updated and set. We are looking at an interlocal agreement between Pierce County to assist the needs of our public works department. This will aid in times of emergency also.  Denied at Council 04082024 Meeting. We are reviewing the City Code to better support the city in emergency situations.

Rodeo- The City is waiting for documents from the Rodeo Association stating updates desired to the terms and conditions of the current lease. Mayor has reached out with no contact back.”

– Mayor Kimber Ivy

Roy’s Annual Tree Lighting Event 2023

We want to thank everyone that participated in our tree lighting ceremony! It was truly a wonderful time.

Special thank you to Santa, Triple Nickle, Roy Grange, Roy Lion’s Club, Pastor Bill Wagner, LeMay Refuse for the bike donations and the many staff and community members that volunteered their time to decorate and provide the delicious cookies and treats. This was an amazing success!

Press Release: Statement Clarification Regarding Nisqually Valley News Articles

The City of Roy has released a statement regarding allegations raised during prior City Council Meetings. The articles the statement responds to are, “Letter to the Editor – Roy City leaders must answer for finances” dated 10/17/2023 and “City of Roy Uncovers Financial Discrepancies as Mayor, City Clerk Treasurer Resign” article dated 3/30/2023. Here is the official press release.

Pierce County Alert

In case of an emergency within Roy City Limits, please go to https://www.piercecountywa.gov/921/Pierce-County-ALERT for all updates and watch the City of Roy website for additional information and guidance.

We Are On Facebook!

Are you following us on Facebook?!? Make sure to give us a like and follow for the most up to date and accurate information on the City of Roy straight from the source! https://www.facebook.com/CityOfRoyWA

City Hall Hours:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu

City Clerk Office:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu

Court Office:
8:30am - 2pm, MTTF
(Closed Wednesdays)

City of Roy
216 McNaught Rd S
PO Box 700
Roy, WA 98580-0700

To access City of Roy recorded meetings, go to https://media.avcaptureall.cloud/ and click on the funnel icon at the top and enter, “City of Roy.”

Photo of the Roy Water Tower restored by the Save The Roy Water Tower Committee taken by local resident Angela Rexroad

The City of Roy is located at
Latitude: 47°0′12″ N
Longitude: -122°32′ 23.39″ W

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