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Form of Government

The City of Roy is a Code City under the laws of the State of Washington (Title 35A RCW), with a Mayor-Council form of government.

The City Council is the legislative body of the City of Roy. It is responsible for setting policy and appropriating City funds. In the determination of City policies and setting standards of service, the Council has the authority to adopt the annual budget, enact City laws (ordinances), levy taxes and authorize contracts and agreements.

Council members are elected by the voters on a non-partisan basis for four-year, overlapping terms. The Mayor is elected by the voters on a non-partisan basis for a four year term. The Mayor acts as the City Administrator and presides at all meetings of the City Council. The Mayor Pro-Tem acts in the absence of the Mayor.

Council Actions

An Ordinance sets the law for the City of Roy. A Resolution expresses Council’s policies or opinions. Each item is discussed and voted on individually.

How to Participate

Your views about government are important. Whether your visit is for the purpose of bringing information to the Council’s attention, solving a problem, or simply to see what’s going on, we hope you feel welcome at this meeting. We also hope that you will leave with a better understanding of your local city government.

Items to be considered by the Council are on the agenda, which is prepared in advance, and is available the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting. Anyone wishing to address the Council may do so during the “Citizen’s Requests to be Heard” portion of the meeting. Please fill out the Citizen’s Request to be Heard form and give to the City Clerk/Treasurer. You will have three minutes to address City Council. In presenting an issue, please remember that the Council will not usually have specific information available during the meeting. Your issue may be referred to staff or committee for research.

Public Hearings

The purpose of a public hearing is for the public to provide the Council with information and opinions on the subject on which the hearing was convened. It is an official “on-the-record,” one-way communication geared toward giving the Council members data they should consider in their decision-making process.
To allow every participant a fair opportunity to be heard, statements should not exceed five minutes in duration. No person may speak a second time until everyone has had an opportunity to address the Council. Complex information should be put in writing with copies provided to the Clerk for insertion into the record and distribution to the Council.

Executive Sessions

Occasionally, executive sessions are held to allow the Council to meet in closed session to discuss complaints, real estate purchases or lawsuits. These sessions are not open to the public and no decisions are made during these sessions.

City Hall Hours:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu

City Clerk Office:
7:30am - 5pm, Mon - Thu

Court Office:
8:30am - 2pm, MTTF
(Closed Wednesdays)

City of Roy
216 McNaught Rd S
PO Box 700
Roy, WA 98580-0700